Atrangi Re (2021)

The story begins with Rinku Suryavanshi being chased by her family goons at Siwan Junction railway station as she tries to elope with her long-term boyfriend. She is caught and beaten by her grandmother Dulhayen, who orders her to wed any bachelor to get Rinku off her hands. The following day, Rinku’s aunt gives her drugged kheer, which is meant for Rinku’s parent’s death anniversary.

S. Venkatesh Vishwanath “Vishu” Iyer, a Tamilian doctor briefly visiting with his friend Madhusudan “MS”, a psychiatrist, gets kidnapped and drugged by Rinku’s uncles who were actually aiming for MS, and the two are forcefully married. They travel to New Delhi by train, where they learn that both of them oppose the marriage and already have lovers: Vishu will be engaged to his friend Mandakini “Mandy” in two days, and Rinku’s boyfriend, performing artist and magician Sajjad Ali Khan, will reach Delhi in a week. The two stay for a day in a hostel where Vishu lives and there, Rinku tells Vishu how her parents were immolated to death as a result of Dulhayen’s conspiracy. The two reach Madurai for Vishu’s wedding but Mandy sees a trending video showing their forced marriage, thus calling off the wedding; in the drama that ensues, Vishu angrily berates Mandy’s father for misbehaving with Rinku, and leaves.

Starring: Dhanush, Sara Ali Khan, Akshay Kumar,