When Obama Loved Osama (2018)

When Obama Loved Osama is an upcoming 2018 Indian Hindi comedy film, directed by Sudhish Kumar Sharma. The film is produced by Jaivindra Singh Bhati, Chaman Gupta and stars Mousam Sharma, Swati Bakshi in lead roles.When Obama Loved Osama is set to release on 18 May 2018.

Starring: Mousam Sharma, Swati Bakshi, Rahul Avana, Amrita Acharya, Mohit Baghel, Vikas Giri, Kimti Anand, Mushtaq Khan, Manoj Bakshi, Lilliput Faruqui, Heena Panchal, Hemant Pandey, Himani Shivpuri,

When Obama Loved Osama (2018)
Actor Navdeep, Co Founder C Space Along With Rakesh Rudravanka – CEO – C Space