Share is a 2019 drama film, written and directed by Pippa Bianco, based upon Bianco’s short film of the same name. It stars Rhianne Barreto, Charlie Plummer, Poorna Jagannathan, J. C. Mackenzie, Nicholas Galitzine, and Lovie Simone.
It had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 25, 2019. It was released on July 27, 2019, by HBO Films.
Mandy, a 16-year old girl, receives text messages from her friends about a video that has gone viral, of her obviously unconscious and being taken advantage of by boys from her high school, on a night she doesn’t remember, and attempts to figure out what happened.
Starring: Rhianne Barreto, Charlie Plummer, Poorna Jagannathan, J. C. Mackenzie, Nicholas Galitzine, Lovie Simone