Kabir Kaul, a young retired Army officer, decides to teach in his late father’s school, the Wular Public School. He has no teaching experience still goes to that school as the school will be closed if there is no teacher to teach and children to study. At the school, he finds a diary that is left behind in the desk drawer by the previous teacher, Firdaus. The children start coming to school after learning that a new teacher has arrived to teach them. He tries to teach the children but they disobey him which leads him to thinking that he cannot teach but after reading Firdaus’s diary, he gets confidence and decides to try teaching again.
On the other hand, his girlfriend is having affair with someone else with whom Kabir fights at night. He talks with his girlfriend who says that she will not be happy if married to him as he has left his service in Army. Kabir is heart broken and returns to the school where he wins the heart of five children studying in that school. He continues reading Firdaus’s diary. One day, a heavy storm worsens the condition of the school. The diary falls in the lake. However, Kabir, with the help of those five children, manages to repair the school and gets back the diary.
Starring: Zaheer Iqbal, Pranutan Bahl