Toolsidas Junior is a 2022 Indian Hindi-language sports film written and directed by Mridul Mahendra, who based it on his own life and childhood. Produced jointly by Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar under T-Series Films along with Sunita Gowariker and co-screenwriter Ashutosh Gowariker in his first production-only venture under Ashutosh Gowariker Productions, the film stars Sanjay Dutt, Rajiv Kapoor, Dalip Tahil and debutante Varun Buddhadev in the lead roles, marking Kapoor’s final and posthumous release following his death in February 2021, while Ankur Vikal, Chinmai Chandrashuh, Tasveer Kamil and Sara Arjun play supporting roles.
Toolsidas Junior was initially scheduled to release in cinemas on 4 March 2022. Eventually, it was released on television and digital platforms. At the 68th National Film Awards, it won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi, and Buddhadev was awarded the National Jury Award — Special Mention.
Starring: Sanjay Dutt, Rajiv Kapoor, Dalip Tahil, Varun Buddhadev,