Muthuvel Pandian is a retired police officer living in Tamil Nadu with his family. Muthuvel’s son, ACP Arjun, is investigating Varman, an eccentric Malayali gangster operating from his base of operations in Arakkonam, who smuggles idols of gods and sells them to buyers overseas. Arjun confronts Varman’s henchman, Seenu, and demands him about the whereabouts of Varman. While getting close to nabbing Varman, Arjun suddenly goes missing, and the police department covers this up by spreading word that he may have committed suicide due to the stress of the job.
Grieving the loss of his son and partly blaming himself for raising him to be honest and fearless, Muthuvel goes after Seenu and murders him, disposing of the body by coercing a clueless local taxi driver, Vimal, into helping him. In retaliation, Varman’s men attempt to kill Muthuvel’s grandson, Rithvik, but Muthuvel manages to save him. Muthuvel tries to convince Varman to leave him and his family alone. However, Varman does not listen to him. Enraged, he decides to fight back.
Starring: Rajinikanth, Vinayakan, Ramya Krishnan, Tamannaah Bhatia, Vasanth Ravi, Mirnaa Menon, Yogi Babu, Sunil, Mohanlal, Shiva Rajkumar, Jackie Shroff