The film opens with several news reports covering the events of the prior film. Through the reports, it is revealed that Baby, Otis, and Captain Spaulding miraculously survived their shootout with the police and that they will be tried for their crimes. The trial is widely covered nationwide and becomes a cause célèbre, resulting in the organization of protests that insist the trio’s innocence. Numerous fanatics also adopt the chant ‘Free the Three’, claiming that their crimes were committed as a means to fight against the system. Despite this, all three are found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. In addition to the final verdict, Captain Spaulding is executed via lethal injection. Otis’ half-brother, Winslow Foxworth “Foxy” Coltrane shows up to help Otis escape from prison while he is outside doing work on a chain gang. In the process, Otis kills Rondo, who was also on the chain gang after having been arrested some time after the end of the previous film and been sent to the same prison. Meanwhile, Baby unsuccessfully seeks parole, as her mental state has further deteriorated since her incarceration.
Starring: Sheri Moon Zombie, Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, Richard Brake,